6 March, 2025

Geoeconomics and Its Impact on Sovereign Debt Risks: Lessons from the Past and Current Relevance

A study by Millennium Institute MIPP researcher Marcela Valenzuela explores how international political relations influence sovereign default risks and economic...


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24 High School Students Graduate from the Bootcamp in Economics and Finance
The third edition of the Bootcamp in Economics and Finance, an intensive and free course for high school girls, has… View More
60 Students Participate in the 9th Edition of MIPP’s “Summer School in Economics”
The Millennium Institute MIPP, in collaboration with the PhD in Engineering Systems (DSI) and the Master’s in Applied Economics (MAGCEA),… View More
Public Spending Efficiency: Evaluating Buyer Performance in Public Administration
A study conducted by Raimundo Undurraga, a researcher at the Millennium Institute MIPP, in collaboration with scholars from the University… View More


App Store Fees and App Business Models

José Ignacio Heresi

Cracking the Code: Using Affirmative Action to Narrow the Gender Gap in STEM

Valentina Contreras

Scientific dissemination platform


An empirical, economic and scientific perspective.
Crime rates, the health care system, AFP, game theory, international finance, international relations, and the gender gap are part of the content of Miradas MIPP, a platform for scientific and economic dissemination created by the MIPP Millennium Institute, which aims to create a space for debate for those interested in economics and public policy.

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📢 Nuestros investigadores Felipe Balmaceda y Benjamín Villena analizan el acuerdo de la reforma previsional en @latercera . Su advertencia: No todo lo que brilla es oro 💡.

Lee su columna aquí: https://www.latercera.com/opinion/noticia/columna-de-felipe-balmaceda-y-benjamin-villena-acuerdo-reforma-previsional-no-todo-lo-que-brilla-es-oro/5VCXPEOIDNGNFAIKRO3YG7YVPA/

#MIPP #ReformaPrevisional

Junto a @homoeconomicusf intentamos evaluar los efectos que se generan en el mercado laboral a la luz de la evidencia disponible y considerando los incentivos en el sistema. (1/3)

La columna que escribimos con Benjamín Villena acerca del impacto negativo sobre el mercado laboral y algunas críticas que creemos que son de primer ordern. Una reforma como esta no sólo afecta las cuentas fiscales q parece ser el énfasis.

🎉 Desde el MIPP celebramos con orgullo que nuestro investigador Benjamín Villena Roldán ha sido seleccionado en el concurso Fondecyt Regular 2025. Este reconocimiento destaca su excelencia y compromiso con la investigación académica de alto impacto. ¡Felicitaciones, Benjamín! 👏

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