14 October, 2024

Millennium Institute MIPP and Its Diverse Free Initiatives: Financial Education for Everyone

The Diario Financiero recently published a feature highlighting various activities organized by the Millennium Institute MIPP to make its research accessible to non-expert audiences. Among these, its financial education initiatives stand out for being free, online, and offering high-quality content.


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We’ve Launched a New Financial Education Course for the General Public
Created by the Millennium Institute MIPP and the Central Bank of Chile, “Aprende Central” is a training program designed for anyone interested in learning about economics and personal finance. The course uses simple language and is tailored to be accessible to everyone. View More
Millennium Institute MIPP and Its Diverse Free Initiatives: Financial Education for Everyone
The Diario Financiero recently published a feature highlighting various activities organized by the Millennium Institute MIPP to make its research accessible to non-expert audiences. Among these, its financial education initiatives stand out for being free, online, and offering high-quality content. View More
The Geography of Repression and Opposition to Autocracy
A study conducted by Millennium Institute MIPP researcher Pablo Muñoz explores how proximity to military bases during Augusto Pinochet’s dictatorship… View More


App Store Fees and App Business Models

José Ignacio Heresi

Cracking the Code: Using Affirmative Action to Narrow the Gender Gap in STEM

Valentina Contreras

Scientific dissemination platform


An empirical, economic and scientific perspective.
Crime rates, the health care system, AFP, game theory, international finance, international relations, and the gender gap are part of the content of Miradas MIPP, a platform for scientific and economic dissemination created by the MIPP Millennium Institute, which aims to create a space for debate for those interested in economics and public policy.
Annual publication


Annual magazine dedicated to the economic analysis of different social issues.

Our Sites


¡La Escuela de Verano en Economía 2025 te espera! Conecta, aprende y avanza📚

Cierre de postulaciones HOY

📅 6-8 de enero | Santiago
📚Cursos: comercio, contratos financieros, y más.
✈️ Beca completa y ayudas de viaje.
🔗Más info e inscripciones: https://mipp.cl/escueladeverano2025


📑 | Hoy se realizó nuestro Seminario “Denuncia de Violencia Infantil y Asistencia Escolar: Un Enlace Vital”.

Este evento reunió a investigadores y expertos para explorar las políticas que protegen a la infancia y promueven su bienestar educativo.



📑 Un estudio realizado por el investigador del Instituto Milenio MIPP, Damian Clarke, se enfoca en cómo el cierre y la reapertura de escuelas afectaron las tasas de denuncia de violencia contra menores en Chile.

Lee el artículo aquí:

📅 Día Internacional contra la Corrupción

El investigador del MIPP, Ronald Fischer, analiza el caso Odebrecht y resalta cómo la transparencia y la rendición de cuentas son clave para prevenir la corrupción en infraestructura.

📖Lee el artículo aquí:

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